barnes blog

I think I know why you are not into music anymore

a. you aren't listing to it in the right format

the other day i did a little test. while researching some new music, i stumbled across a wide array of little labels that were doing cassettes only. i got to digging around within that. whoa, there is some really cool stuff being done within that realm. and also being a person that likes black, round records, i went on the net and researched some new vinyl records that were being released. not re-issues of older stuff but currently made music. guess what?

my ontological system, or, what it's like to be here

a. results are produced indirectly.

b. if you think you know the answer, you've just discarded at least half of the answer.

c. things only exist in their particulars.

d. observing things causes them to become. or rather to cease becoming.

e. time doesn't exist.

f. there is a universal set of all extant knowledge {ideas}. symbolized by e.

g. the seen proceeds from the unseen. there is another world, or other worlds, behind the world we see.

h. proof is weaker than matter-of-fact.

barnes' theorem

so anyways i got really excited about this. for the last couple of years i have been reading books about set theory, and number theory. to me, these ideas serve a very useful function of modeling events and movements in the real world.

how to get started in shortwave radio

i'm very interested in this kind of technology that is outdated, yet still viable. an example is in general aviation they have these radio transmitters called VORs, that are all over the county that you can tune into while flying around. you can find your way all across the country with these things and most folks have no idea they even exist. next time you go by a small airfield look for one, they look like a giant bowling pin. it's like forties and fifties era radio technology. it's kind of a funky way of doing it, but it works and has worked for years.
