barnes' theorem

so anyways i got really excited about this. for the last couple of years i have been reading books about set theory, and number theory. to me, these ideas serve a very useful function of modeling events and movements in the real world.

emotion free, and centered on the data. and the relationships. what is happening here, how do these things relate? things like that. i really like looking at life things in a sort of vinn diagram in my mind…this is what i have to deal with…that stuff doesn't belong to me. etc. and some of the formulae and theorems of first order math and logic to me accurately model how things work in the real world with a clarity and precision i have not found in any truisms or axioms based on just…well, the type of logic people use when they chatter, etc. [example. the weird things that people say sometimes, as concepts get tossed around and repeated and re-repeated but they happen to be invalid statements. fill in the blank here with your own example of something you have heard folks repeat in your life, that always sounded kind of strange or not-right to you.]

here's an example of what i mean:
Gödel's Incompleteness Theorem. If some formal theory is universal enough to allow proving of the simplest properties of natural numbers (1, 2, 3, ...), then, working in this theory, one of the two things will happen inevitably: either we will run into contradictions, or into unsolvable problems.

it would appear that there are applications of this idea in the physical our experience as interacting human beings, as well as with numbers on a page. you may have noticed in your own life that as soon as you develop a theory of why things are thus and so, problems pop up! i noticed this but had no way of naming it and thinking about it relationally until i saw this theorem. these are two different realms here, but i find movements and relations within the model to exist in the physical world as well.

isomorphism. [from wikipedia: informally, an isomorphism is a kind of mapping between objects, which shows a relationship between two properties or operations. If there exists an isomorphism between two structures, we call the two structures isomorphic.]

so these ideas coupled with this experience:
in the last few years i have found myself really interfacing with the world via three things, my laptop, cell phone, and ipod. i would be perfectly happy to sit alone and work on these three things for the rest of my days on earth. it is so rewarding for me to sit and research things. access to all these libraries of information and music. and ideas. to me it's really just one giant database to peruse. and enjoy.
so i began to look for a term for this. what is it called?
what is this thing called that has my gas bill, the new york times, blake's poetry, a video of devo on snl, the transcript of ornette coleman's grammy acceptance speech. what is this?
i had two working titles for this, the universal set, and also the meta-data.
more research proved these two in error. for various reasons of meaning and usage.
so i wrote some of the folks on these math and logic and set theory web sites that i was studying to see if someone would/could weigh in on this and help me.

so in pondering the relation of these things:
i found this set theory site, and the fellow mentioned he liked music on there, i never spoke to him about that but figured he perhaps would be open to my query. [eyvind kang has a theory that at immigration or in any system based on getting in a line, you should line up behind the clerk or officer that is singing to theirself.]

so on my birthday yesterday, he wrote me back and i was so excited…here's what he said:
>Hi Danny,

>It seems to me that you are referring to the set of all things that have
>ever existed. The Universal Set would contain that set as a subset, but
>it would also contain things that are yet to come into existence, along
>with all those things which are precluded by the laws of nature but not
>to our imaginations. As a physicist, I would be tempted to call your set
>the set of all past events, where an event is something that has a
>specific place and time. That, however, would have many "duplicates" of
>things in your set: not just every Beatles song, but every time anyone
>has listened to one. Since your set includes both physical and ideal
>things (your gas bill and the lyrics to a song which in principle never
>has to be sung), I'd say the best we can do is to call your set the set
>of all existent information.

>I am always leery of using the term "meta", because it is easy to twist
>its meaning, and the Universal Set is indescribable in finite time, so
>it's always best to be as specific as possible.

>Hope that helps,
[name withheld]
>Professor of Physics
>Department of Mathematics, Physics and Computer Science
>Raymond Walters College
>University of Cincinnati

this kind soul really helped me get my terms together and the symbology to express the idea.
so we came up with this:
the set of all existent information, symbolized by a lower case e.
e = the set of all existent information.

okay so now, when i was a young man, my older brother turned me onto so much good stuff. like delta blues and howlin' wolf and stuff. and somewhere along the line i heard that little walter piece juke. i really liked that word juke. so for me it became a verb. to juke. juke means when you hear music that rocks you so hard:
a. you wish it would never end
b. you completely lose track of time and forget anything about the physical plane
c. you could play that song over and over for the foreseeable future

there are certain tracks that i juke to. that always cause me to juke without fail. i won't bore you with the titles, because juking is subjective. what causes me to juke may not, and in all likelihood, won't cause you to juke. but i'm sure you can come up with ten tracks of your own. the juke is objective i believe, but the causation of the juke is subjective.
juke appears universal. example: my dog skillet jukes on carrots.

in going back to the idea of juking on the computer/cellphone/ipod experience, i wanted to create a relationship of the data and the feeling.
so here it is:
e = j squared

where e = the set of all existent information
and j = juke

barnes' theorem.

you can really juke on all this stuff!
have fun!