wildknees's blog

how to get started in shortwave radio

i'm very interested in this kind of technology that is outdated, yet still viable. an example is in general aviation they have these radio transmitters called VORs, that are all over the county that you can tune into while flying around. you can find your way all across the country with these things and most folks have no idea they even exist. next time you go by a small airfield look for one, they look like a giant bowling pin. it's like forties and fifties era radio technology. it's kind of a funky way of doing it, but it works and has worked for years.

overture to the schillinger system by henry cowell (1941)

here's a whole 'nother way of looking at things.

Overture to the Schillinger System
Henry Cowell (~1941)

The Schillinger System makes a positive approach to the theory of musical composition by offering possibilities for choice and development by the student, instead of the rules hedged round with prohibitions, limitations and exceptions, which have characterized conventional studies.

the return of the gig box score, barnes vs. nyc, 6.20.08

highline ballroom in manhattan june 20, 2008, 8:45 pm for one hour


thursday june 19
leave home at 5 pm
catch 6:30 pm ferry to downtown seattle
9:00 pm fly sea-tac to jfk overnight

friday june 20th
6:00 am land
subway to friend's apartment in brooklyn
8:00 am sleep
12:00 pm wake up, shower, subway to load-in in manhattan
sound check
8:45 pm play one hour set
11:00 pm show is over, subway back to brooklyn
sleep as long as possible
